MANIFESTA 13 - Infinite Village
The Infinite Village presented as part of “Les Parallèles du Sud” program of the 13th edition of Manifesta Biennale is a multidisciplinary art project and `Social sculpture`, conceived and curated by artists Cora von Zezschwitz & Tilman (Canada/France/Germany).
Presented by The (He)art for (He)art Program, with the artistic direction of Francisca Viudes, founder of The (He)art for (He)art Program in Nice and co-curator of the project, Infinite Village taking place at Espace Jouenne in Marseille and then at the 109, a pole of contemporary cultures in Nice, is a social, collective and architectural sculpture that invites you to experience a “common”. This artistic, participative and educational platform will occupy the cities of Marseille and Nice in various forms (installations, performances, workshops, conferences and projection) offering plural activities to share with local residents, international guests, associations and the public. This European and International entity is drawing a new togetherness and humanist future
Cora Von Zeschwitz & Tilman, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Lucy & Jorge Orta, Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, Shezad Dawood, Lyn Nekorimate, Petroc Sesti, Douglas White, and more
16.10 - 29.11.2020 / Le 109, NIce
Created in the 1990s by Dutch art historian Hedwig Fijen, Manifesta is the only traveling biennial. Manifesta is an exchange platform between art and society.
The 13th edition of Manifesta takes place from August 28 to November 29, 2020 in Marseille. Manifesta 13 Marseille encourages reflection on their current practices while expanding their narratives through artistic commissions, performances and interventions in public space.
In addition to the main program of the biennial, each edition of Manifesta includes a program of side events. For this 13th edition in Marseille, this program is entitled The Parallels of the South. These side events aim to highlight the richness of the artistic scene and local culture while creating lasting and fruitful collaborations between local networks and international made up of professionals, associations and institutions.